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Jul 18, 2023
This would have been a childhood dream, had the internet existed yet...
I'm a maker on the Uitgeverij Lemniscaat website!
As a child, Ezra van Wilgenburg (1974) was a member of 'Lemniscaatclub'. Nowadays, making books is her job: she edits and translates. She works on textbooks, children's books and travel guides. Ezra and her family live in London, where – besides double decker buses and palaces – you find magnificent parks, beautiful (children's) book stores and fabulous theatres and museums. For Lemniscaat she translated 'When Dinosaurs Conquered the Skies' into Dutch.
Jul 14, 2023
As I'm scrambling to make my final deadlines before the holiday, the results of some of my earlier projects come in.
📗 As the editor of time to momo Normandië, I saw every last letter of this book, and with her beautiful travel guide, Anna Roelofsz proves that you really should never pass this region by. So if you haven't decided your a holiday destination yet, you know where to go...
👩🏼💻 For the last two years, I spent a lot of my weekends digging, (cement) mixing, hammering or selling ice lollies as a volunteer of the school garden. Because this group really knows how to extract every last bit of your talents, I was asked to design a poster to recruit new volunteers and the prints are in!
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